Plant Species

Foreground Aquatic Plants

There are plants that are located towards the front of the aquascape. Normally, plants that are short in height are ideal to place in this position as it helps give a natural look to the substrate of the aquarium. Popular foreground plants include small anubias, baby tears, hair grass, java moss, pogostemon helferi, pigmy chair sword, staurogyne repens, etc.

Foreground Aquatic Plants

Foreground Plants

There are plants that are located towards the front of the aquascape. Normally, plants that are short in height are ideal to place in this position as it helps give a natural look to the substrate of the aquarium. Popular foreground plants include small anubias, baby tears, hair grass, java moss, pogostemon helferi, pigmy chair sword, staurogyne repens, etc.

Foreground Aquatic Plants
Foreground Aquatic Plants

Midground Aquatic Plants

There are plants that are located towards the middle of the aquascape in a tank. Plants that are taller than foreground plants yet shorter than plants towards the background are ideal. Some of the most popular plants used in for midground are ludwigias, rotalas, sword plants, wisteria , etc.

Midground Aquatic Plants

There are plants that are located towards the middle of the aquascape in a tank. Plants that are taller than foreground plants yet shorter than plants towards the background are ideal. Some of the most popular plants used in for midground are ludwigias, rotalas, sword plants, wisteria , etc.

Midground Aquatic Plants

Background Aquatic Plants

These are plants located towards the back of the aquascape. Plants that are tall, sometimes rising towards the water surface make the best background plants. Some examples of background plants are vallisnerias, tall hairgrass, aponogeton, cryptocorine spiralis, etc.

Background Aquatic Plants

Background Aquatic Plants

These are plants located towards the back of the aquascape. Plants that are tall, sometimes rising towards the water surface make the best background plants. Some examples of background plants are vallisnerias, tall hairgrass, aponogeton, cryptocorine spiralis, etc.

Background Aquatic Plants

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